On or about 30 December 2019, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) has advised taxpayers against a scam that is being circulated on WhatsApp. The message shows an e-mail titled “Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore-Refund-Online-Confirmation”.

The e-mail contains the IRAS logo and title, informing victims of a tax refund of “$236.51” which they can receive. The recipients are instructed to download and fill up a tax refund form by clicking on a link in the e-mail so that they can access their supposed tax refunds. The scam also indicates that refunds may be delayed for various reasons, including the submission of invalid records or applications made past the deadline.

The scam originally circulated in 2018, and the IRAS has warned recipients not to respond or circulate the image of the e-mail.

Source: IRAS website, 30 December 2019