On or about 20 January 2020, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) has updated its content on advisory scams as the Corporate Tax filing due date is nearing.

Taxpayers are advised to ignore an image of a scam email titled ‘Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore-Refund-Online-Confirmation’ that has been re-circulating on WhatsApp.

The IRAS has provided screenshots of scam emails that try to extract personal information from taxpayers. Companies are also advised to be vigilant and not fall into the trap of scam emails during the Corporate Tax Filing season.

The IRAS has further cautioned members of the public on opening attachments linked to such scam emails and emphasised that the IRAS does not ask taxpayers to provide confidential personal details through emails.

For more information, please visit the IRAS website.

Source: IRAS website, 20 January 2020