On or about 26 April 2022, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has published a Project Summary on its research project Pension Benefits that Depend on Asset Returns.
From 2018 to 2021 the IASB researched the feasibility of amending IAS 19 Employee Benefits to introduce requirements for pension benefits that depend on asset returns. Such benefits depend on the performance of specified assets, such as shares or bonds
The IASB now has decided not to develop amendments to IAS 19 Employee Benefits. The amendments were meant to introduce requirements for pension benefits that depend on asset returns. The IASB did not find enough evidence that pension benefits that depend on asset returns are widely offered across jurisdictions. In addition, the cost of implementing any changes outweighed the potential benefit of improved financial reporting.
The summary of the pension benefits that depend on asset returns can be accessed at IFRS website.
Source: IFRS, 27 April 2022.